Not much about the Coronavirus quarantine is good, but at least we don’t have to take Mom out to brunch this year. Every year, she wants to go to the Lodge Inn for their $25 Mother’s Day Brunch, consisting of cold eggs, some sort of hash-brown casserole that tastes like cardboard, and crowned with an overcooked roast beef carving station. Then, we have to figure out how to divide up the $200 check. I never understood why Mom didn’t just invite us over to the house for breakfast. 

Thankfully, we don’t have to worry about that this year. COVID-19 changed everything. No expensive brunch. No crappy food. No figuring out how to tip on a self-serve buffet. I am hoping that Mom figured out how to charge her phone at the hospital so I can do a Facebook Live. I know she can’t talk with that ventilator, but at least I can wish her Happy Mother’s Day.  

By Fred Gailey
